Dr. Steve Morris
Founder of Mukilteo Natural Health Clinic
Retired Naturopathic Physician
IV Therapy
After over 30 years of clinical practice, Dr. Steve Morris is now retired from Mukilteo Natural Health Clinic. Dr. Steve graduated from Bastyr University in 1986 and was fortunate to study and practice under John Bastyr, ND, DC, founder of Bastyr University, for one year following graduation. His successful practice is primarily devoted to pediatric medicine and the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and other auto immune conditions. Dr. Morris has been working with Robert Anderson, MD, co-founder and past president of the American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA), since 1988. This unique complementary collaboration of a holistic allopathic doctor and a naturopathic doctor is unparalleled.
Since 1994, Dr. Morris has traveled to many parts of the world teaching and studying Botanical Medicine with James Duke, PhD, head of Economic Botany for the USDA for 30 years. Dr. Duke, Dr. Morris, and Shaman, Antonio Montero Pisco, co-created the Amazon Ethno Botanical Gardens on the Napo River in Peru. Dr. Morris has taught botanical medicine in Peru, Costa Rica, Russia, Ukraine, Kenya, Tanzania, Belize, Equador, and New Zealand. He has published papers in the AHMA Journal, New Age Journal, Journal of Naturopathic Medicine and The Townsend letter for Doctors and has contributed to these books: “Thriving”, “Sinus Survival”, and “The Complete Self Care Guide to Holistic Medicine”.
Dr. Morris has incorporated his passion for natural medicinals, agriculture and animals by farming certified organically grown medicines on his Whidbey Island, WA farm with the use of his “Shire” draft horses. Dr. Morris is also an avid beekeeper. Being a devoted father and mentor for his children holds the highest priority.
Dr. Morris holds degrees in Agronomy and Soil Sciences, Human Health Sciences, and Nutrition. He was a board member of the Seattle Midwifery College and the AHMA. Currently he is on the board of directors for the Student Rainforest Fund and Global Links, and holds a professional membership in American Herbalist Guild (AHG). His sons, Aaron & Shawn are currently in practice as Naturopathic doctors, and his other son Dylan is studying Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University.

All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth, befalls the sons and daughters of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is
merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.”
–Chief Seattle